Sabine & Markus

Available until end of september 2024


July 8 2023


Thank you all for attending our wedding!

This domain and webpage will be available until end of September, 2024, at when it will be taken down. So please save anything you wish to save before then, thank you!

Sabine & Markus


Tell us about the first time you met your spouse and your first impressions of them.


I suspect it was 2011 or 2012. I had seen Markus before at work, but I consider our first real meeting, the first time we said something to each other, in the kitchen of Starbreeze’s Uppsala office. He looked so grumpy (now I know this is his default non-interactive face) and I said “Hi” as per my custom to greet all my colleagues, and got a really nice reaction with his face lighting up with his reply to my greeting! It was honestly one of the most rewarding facial expression changes I’ve had at the office; hence I still remember it.


The first memory I have of us meeting is apparently not the REAL first time we met! Nevertheless, I recall meeting Sabine while working at MachineGames in Uppsala, Sweden. Our first interaction was through work, my impression was that she was way too optimistic about everything, which took me by surprise but was also very appealing. Very quickly I realized we had way too many things in common and for some reason my mood always improved after speaking to her.

What trait made you fall for your partner? What do you think they find attractive with you?


He liked everything I baked and appreciated it so much! Also, he was always such a gentleman and already from the start he prioritized and took so well care of me. In the beginning, when we dated, he even came to my tiny 28 square meter apartment and made soup when I was home with a cold (so sweet but I was perfectly fine, really.) For what I think he finds attractive with me, well, probably my baking skills. I floored him with my signature dessert at the time, cheesecake! Oreo cheesecake. Although he’s started to outshine me in food categories now being equal if not better than me in making food and desserts in the kitchen :D. He has also always said he likes the way I “animate”. (ಠ_ಠ)?


How much she loves sweets and making of treats of course! On a more serious note, it was how sincere Sabine was in how she treated people. It was clear to me she always put others well-being first and wanted to spoil and support everyone around her in every way, something I really admired. The more we spent time together, the more I realized I wanted to give her the same attention and spoil her as much as I could, the same way she constantly does for others. What on earth could she find attractive with me? One thing she has told me is that she really likes how much I enjoy everything she bakes :D.

Which of all the trips you’ve made is your favorite, and why?


Banff! Oh, but we also went to Korea and Japan! No, Vancouver? Toronto!! Ah Jasper was also amazing… hmm, ok I’ll go with Banff! I adore Banff and all the trips there have been magical, but I will pick Banff December 2017. The trip where we went to celebrate my 30th birthday up in a cabin in a snowy winter wonderland up in the mountains, Storm Mountain Lodge. The place where he proposed and I said yes.


Our trip to South Korea made a strong impresson on me as I felt I got to learn a lot about Sabine's family, upbringing and heritage. Since the trip was fairly early in our relationship I also feel like I got a crash-course in what she was like and got to know her very well during this trip. Also, all the food her family treated me to didn't hurt :P.

What is your spouse’s favorite food (and for our record, what is yours)?


For food I believe it’s lasagne! Or Rice. Markus really likes rice for some reason. For me? Potatoes. If that is not a legit answer I’ll go with cheese. Still no good? Fine, potato au gratin (potatisgratäng)!


Everything potato; potato gratin, fries, chips, you name it. If it has potatoes in it, Sabine will devour it until she can't move. She doesn't discriminate either! Sweet potatoes and yams are also welcome in her belly! For myself I'm a huge sucker for epic salads! Fruits, nuts, unsual veggies, it's definitely one of my favorites. I think on second place would be a great vegan burger :)

What adjective best describes your spouse’s family?


Quirky and lovable!


"Caring" is the word that comes to mind, they always seem to put each other in highest priority even though during the busiest of times. Sabine definitely takes after her family in that regard. Appreciating other people and lifting them up is one of their greatest strengths.

Who would survive longer in a zombie apocalypse and why?


Markus for sure! Unless he does some stupid thing like sacrifices himself to save me or something. I’d definitely die right afterwards in that case. o(╥﹏╥)o


Sabine for sure, I don't have the patience to survive versus slow zombies. I would foolishy rushe in to defeat them all rather than wait them out while Sabine would be way more tactical and smart and take her time thinking things through.